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Janelle Chong Hui Pin

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

When the going gets rough, it can at times be easy to lose sight of what we set out to attain in our lives, be it in our personal endeavours, work or finances. The process of going & pushing through such situations may not be most comfortable, but persevering and talking about how to handle them is necessary. These are perspectives I found useful and inspiring. I hope this gives you hope.

These 7 Qualities Lead To Perseverance When Faced With Adversity

Like the ability to find meaning, to be vulnerable, connect & ask for help, having a supportive relationship with oneself, being able to surrender and trust in the face of uncertainty, having a sense of humour, mental calmness even in times of difficulty, and the ability to cultivate perspective and gratitude.

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Grit: Perseverance and Personal Finance

Saving money and making continual progress toward financial goals seems like it is just plain easy for some people. Is this is because they have a mind for finances, or they are talented with money?

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Bear Cub’s Perseverance Proves That You Only Fail When You Stop Trying

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I seek to reach out to people who care about creating a safe financial environment for their loved ones. Let me know if I can get to help someone you know or care about. Please do not keep me a secret. Cheers.
Janelle Chong Hui Pin
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This is not an official AIA newsletter. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of AIA Singapore Private Limited (Company Registration No. 201106386R) (AIA), any other agency, organisation, employer or company. Assumptions made in the analysis are not reflective of the position of AIA other than the author.

© Janelle Chong Hui Pin, All rights reserved.

Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Ken Tan, Software Engineer

As someone who values clear communication and personalised financial advice, I used to feel overwhelmed by the thought of addressing my family’s financial needs. Thankfully, I connected with remarkable financial services consultant, Janelle. She’s been follow up with me to arrange appointments consistently, and addressed my financial concerns with appropriate solutions. Her fluency in Mandarin not only put me at ease but also allowed for detailed discussion.

Michelle Shim, Admin Officer

Janelle (Hui Pin) is a friend of mine who I have known for 8 years. She is someone trustworthy and reliable who I can trust with. I'm satisfy with her advise and service as she is able to recommend the product that fits well to my budget and portfolio.

Eve, Trainer

Janelle is a very responsible person. She knows that financial services is a career that can help and impact many people live positively. She always knows what her goals are and is very serious about it. I will not hesitate to recommend my friends who need her financial planning services.

Owen, Designer

Janelle is attentive and passionate with her job. She is humble and answer all my questions carefully. It is easy to get in touch with her, and she is responsive with all the queries in short period of time. Good after-sales services.

Dylan Lai, Director

Janelle's a friendly Financial Services Consultant. She would understand my financial objective and needs first before giving any suggestions/ advices. During the consultation, she had provided me an overview on my existing portfolio, risk exposed and what could be improved.

Stephen, Life Managing Director

Janelle's passionate with helping people in financial planning. She is caring and serve people with all her heart. People are more open-minded to discuss the financial goals and issues with her. I would recommend her services to my family and friends.