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Janelle Chong Hui Pin

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Life can be unpredictable with obstacles, making it sometimes difficult to stay afloat. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, stress from work, or financial woes, everyone faces challenges and does at some point, struggle with remaining optimistic or hopeful. Nonetheless, it is still important to maintain positivity to keep us going; by finding the good in the bad, and being the light in the darkness. For this issue, let us explore on what being positive means & how we can harness it in ways that truly benefit our lives.

7 Ways to Stay Positive Even During the Toughest Times

Scientists found that even though people who identify as optimists tend to be more positive in general, they too start assuming the worst as the moment of truth about something important nears. On the other hand, some people would rather stay positive whenever possible, since it's easier to fight off stress and anxiety when you have a sunny outlook. Here, we've gathered some of our favourite expert tips for staying optimistic when you're dealing with some super hard stuff.

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Positive Money Mindset: 15 Tips to Transform Your Money Mindset from Negative to Positive

Do you find yourself feeling down about money or uninspired? Maybe you aren't making as high of an income as you'd like to be. Something that contributes a lot to your success is the way you think. A positive money mindset can change your outlook and improve your finances. Here are 15 tips to transform your money mindset when you need to think positively.

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Your brain is wired for negative thoughts. Here's how to change it.

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Janelle Chong Hui Pin
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This is not an official AIA newsletter. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of AIA Singapore Private Limited (Company Registration No. 201106386R) (AIA), any other agency, organisation, employer or company. Assumptions made in the analysis are not reflective of the position of AIA other than the author.

© Janelle Chong Hui Pin, All rights reserved.

Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Dylan Lai, Director

Janelle's a friendly Financial Services Consultant. She would understand my financial objective and needs first before giving any suggestions/ advices. During the consultation, she had provided me an overview on my existing portfolio, risk exposed and what could be improved.

Thi Diep My, Engineer

Janelle's a friendly Financial Services Consultant. She proactively provided me the information relevant to my financial portfolio to address my concerns/needs. Most importantly she explained well on how can I do better in financial portfolio planning.

Jaz, Supervisor

Janelle is a patient and accountable Financial Services Consultant. She’s attentive with my enquiries and provides good after-sales services. And she is prompt with follow up when it comes to appointment arrangements. Janelle 是一位有耐心且负责任的金融服务顾问。她很用心的回复我的疑问,并提供良好的售后服务。在预约安排方面,她会及时跟进。

Yan Hua, IT Analyst

Janelle's a friendly Financial Services Consultant. She's knowledgeable in her area of field. She would understand my needs and share the informative financial updates and information with me proactively.

Yvonne, Project Manager

Both Janelle and Angela were patient in understanding my needs before diving into offering the range of products and services available under AIA. What I really appreciated was that both of them were genuine and not pushy at all. Through their assessment I got a better understanding of what was my current financial situation and what products will best cater to it. I would be more than happy to recommend Janelle and Angela to my family and friends.

Louise Loi

Janelle is an approachable and knowledgeable Financial Services Consultant. She will understand my stage of life and look into my portfolio planning accordingly. She always has my best interests in mind and ensures that the solution meets my financial needs and objectives.